lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Science Quiz Reminder

This is a reminder for Science Quiz this Friday 31st. Also remember this day you have to turn in your homework about the self-sustainable environment!! 

Spelling Review Lesson #6

Lesson #6 Review pages 48 to 53 on the Spelling Book. 

Homework: due to Wednesday 29th. 
Do pages 44, 46 and 47 on the Spelling Book. 
Study for Spelling Bee (Monday 3rd) 

sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

Science: Air Pollution


Here´s the Science Presentation Air Pollution done this week, and the work done in class for your appreciation and reference.

Homewor: Due Friday 31st. 
Design your own self-sustainable environment. On a piece of cardboard (half-size) or carton plate, desing an ideal environment where you can propose idea on how to solve current air pollution problems. Draw it and color it! You may use other materials such as playd ough or foami if you want.

Note: If you have the desire, you can turn your design into a pollution catcher, by adding Vaseline to the back of the catron plate (this is NOT mandatory, you will only do this if you have the extra time and the materials mentioned available).

Remember to prepare yourselves for the Science Quiz next week, you need to review the following topics on your notebook:

  • The Soil Formation
  • The Horizons of The Soil
  • A Storehouse for Mineral Wealth and Energy Resources

Social Studies: The Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia.


Mesopotamia Oral Presentation and Critical Thinking Questions: 

1. Where is Mesopotamia located? Describe it geographically and mention the countries located in the Fertile Crescent nowadays.

2. Describe the kind of government of this civilizacion.

3. List 5 important discoveries and inventions of this civilization.

4. What is the Code of Hammurabi?

5. What is a Ziggurat?

Here´s a video of your 6th grade A classmates presentation, who kindly agreed on sharing their work with us. It´s an interesting and very complete summery of the topic, and very well presented digital job, which thanks to this tool, we can share easily. It is also a good reference for the future projects, as well as the hand-made work done by your classmates in 6th grade B and C. You are also invited to visit the classrooms B and C whenever you want to appreciate this work as well.  

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Spelling Lesson #5 Homophones

We wrote a short sentence to each word of the new list. 
We worked on the book, pages 42, 43 and 45. 

Homework, due to wednesday 22nd. 
Write 10 senteces combining two words in each one to continue Jed's story. 

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Science: Fresh Water

Draw and explain these three processes
1) The Water Cycle. Page 45, Science Magazine.
2) The Desalination Process. Page 46.
3) The Purication of Water Process. Page 51. 

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Math: Problem Solving #2.

Solve the problems proposed on pages
P. 11 problems 15, 16 and 18
P. 15 problems 28, 29 and 31

Homework: due to Wednesday 22nd 
Do the Mean exercises on page 577 (1-7) 

Study for the Math Quiz next week!! 

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Social Studies Reminder

This is a reminder for the Social Studies presentation and homework.

This week we will be working on the Ancient Civilization presentations. You will need to bring materials and some extra information to organize and develop your speech. Your contribution to team work will be evaluated. Don't forget it!!! 

Creativity has NO limits!! 

Spelling Lesson #4

We copied the new list of words and found a synonyn or word related in meaning to each new term. 
We worked on the book, Lesson #4 pages 36 to 41. 

Homework: due Wednesday 15th. 
Write a short newspaper column about an important event that happened to you these days. Use 15 word of the new list. 

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

Science: A Storehouse for Mineral Wealth and Energy Resources. Week 4


Read pages 29 to 39 on the Science Magazine. Class Discussion about Earth´s Minerals and Energy Resources. 

Copy the vocabulary: 
  • Mineral
  • Metallic Mineral
  • Nonmetallic Mineral
  • Rock 
  • Ores
  • Fossil Fuels 
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Placer Mining 
  • Strip Mining 
  • Natural Gas
Draw and explain what an Oil Reservoir is. 

Answer Critical Thinking question (1, 3 and 5) on page 39.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Math: Mean (Week Oct. 6th to 9th)


We checked our previous class activities. 
We learned how to get the mean or average in a set of data. 

We practiced the Range, Median, Mode, and Mean on the set of data given on page 14 exercises 9 to 17.

Social Studies Presentation Directions

1St Term Presentations: Ancient Civilizations

Sections A and C
Section B
Mesopotamia: The fertile Crescent
Wednesday, Oct. , 22nd
Thursday, Oct. 23rd
Ancient Egypt
Wednesday, Oct. 29th
Thursday, Oct 30th
Ancient India
Wednesday, Nov. 5th
Thursday, Nov. 6th
Ancient China
Wednesday, Nov. 12th
Thursday, Nov 13th
The Heritage of Greece
Wednesday, Nov. 19th
Thursday, Nov. 20th
The Roman Empire
Wednesday, Nov 26th
Thursday, Nov. 27th
Final Quiz
Wednesday, Dec. 3rd
Thursday, Dec 4th  
Note: Remember there may be a pop quiz (an unannounced short quiz about the presentation contents) among these days.
Presentation Outline:
1.      Introduction
·         Location in a map: geographical description
·         Period of time: time line of events
2.      Way of Living
·         Economical Features
·         Political Features
·         Cultural Features
·         Religious beliefs
3.      Civilizations Achievements and Inventions

Remember to investigate about your topic and bring extra information and materials to work in class next week (Wednesday 15th for 6th A and C, and Thursday 16th for 6th B).

Draw (on a piece of blank paper) or print the map of America. Color it and paste it in your notebook. Identify the countries in this continent and their capital cities. Due Date Wdnesday 15th, 2014. 

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Spelling Lesson #3, October 6th, 2014

We copied all the definitions in the notebook. We worked on pages 30 to 35 in the book. 

Write a review (15 lines) about a TV show, movie, or book you like. Use 15 words of the new spelling list. Due date: Wednesday 8th. 

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Science: The Horizons of The Soil. Oct. 2nd, 2014


Read the final part of the lesson related to the Soil Formation on pages 20 to 27, Science Magazine: Earth´s Riches. Follow these instructions to fulfill the activities proposed. 

  1. Draw and explain the 4 Horizons of the Soil: Horizon A, Horizon B, Horizon C, and Bedrock
  2. Identify the given vocabulary in the reading, and copy the definitions: 
  • Soil Erosion
  • Percolate
  • Leaching
  • Forest
  • Deforestation
     3. Answer:
  • How is the Forest beneficial for human beings and the animals?
  • What does deforestation bring as a consequence for the environment?

Critical Thinking questions (1, 2 and 3) page 27.  

Social Studies: Stone Age. Oct. 2nd, 2014

Stone Age Classwork:

  • Definition of Stone Age. Group activity. 
  • Discussion about the characteristics of Prehistory. We discussed all the characteristics of this period of prehistory, and classified them according to the following outline. 
1. Location in a Map
2. Period of Time 
3. Way of Living
4. Achievements and Accomplishments  

  • As an activity we focused on Cave Art, and we illustrated all the things we learned about Stone Age through drawings in the notebook. 

 For further information, check the book! Lesson: The Early People.