martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Science: Energy Received by Earth

We reviewed the information about the Radiation Balance. In our notebooks we summarized the information about the different temperature zones of the planet, we drew and explained them each. 

We explained and copied new vocabulary about Air Pressure and Wind. 
-Air Masses

We copied the Beaufort Wind Scale to undestand how is wind classified according to the speed it travels. 

Math: GCF and LCM Practice

We practiced on our previous classes of GCF and LCM, and we solved problems to review for the quiz of math next week, Thursday 5th. 

We worked on page 592, finding both GCF and LCM of the given numbers. 

Homework: due Wednesday Feb. 4th. 
Do exercises 1 to 13. On page 593, LCM exercises. 

Spelling Lesson #15

Spelling list #15 is about basic words with prefixes in-, im-, il-, or ir-, which give new terms a negative connotation, or opposite meaning. We copied the new list in the notebook and wrote a synonyn to each. 
We worked on the book pages 102 to 107. 

Homework: due Thursday 29th. 
Write 10 sentences combining two words in each, about an exceptionally good or bad day you had. You can illustrate your homework with drawings. 

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

Science: The Atmosphere

We read the unit one of the new Science Magazine The Weather and The Climate. 
We wrote the definitions of the following terms: 
-Solar Radiation
-Infrared Rays
-Radiation Balance
-Greenhouse Effects 

We drew and explained the layers of the Atmosphere. 

We answered critical thinking questions: 
1. What is air? 
2. What is contained in air? 
3. What can we learn about Earth's interior by studying Earth's Atmosphere? 
4. What changes have people made in Earth's atmosphere that may upsey its radiation balance? 

Homewor: due Wednesday 28th.
Bring three experiments related to the field of Science you've been assigned. You can also choose different experiments in different fields as a proposition for Science Fair if your team does not have a field assigned yet. Each students needs to bring 3 experiments no exception, paste them or write them in your notebook. 

Social Studies: The Medieval Times in The West

We did an investigation activity about the life during the Middle Ages, and we answered the following questions: 

1. Briefly retell the events of the Black Death. 
2. Explain Joan of Arc's beliefs and her methods to save her country from the British. Do you agree with her condemn?
3. How did the students study during the Middle Ages when they couldn't afford books? 
4. Without books, what were some ways that people learned about the stories of the Bible? 
5. What purpose did the cathedrals serve during the Middle Ages? 
6. What was the purpose of the literature of Dante and Chaucer during those ages? 

Math: Least Common Multiple or LCM

We reviewed the procedure to obain the LCM. 
We practiced on page 181 exercises 1 to 20, and problema 21 to 24. 

martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Spelling Lesson #14

Copy the new words (basic, review and challenge) in a verb-noun chart in your notebooks. 
Do the lesson activities in the book pages 96 to 101. 

Homework: due Wednesday 21st. 
Write a letter supporting a cause you believe in. Use 12 words from the new list. You can add a drawing of a campaign to illustrate your work. 

sábado, 17 de enero de 2015

Social Studies: The Middle Ages

We reviewed the ancient civilizations and the important facts of those ages that led to the Medieval times, such as the birth of Christianity and the Collapse of The Roman Empire. 
We developed a comparative chart between the Western and Eastern Empires of Rome.
We understood the Feudal System. We drew and explained it in the notebooks. 

martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Math: Greatest Common Factors or GCF

We reviewed the prime factorization of numbers and we learned how to get the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of two or more numbers.
We practiced on page 179 exercises 9 to 24. 

Homework: due Wednesday 21st.
Problem solving page 179, problems 25 to 28. 

Spelling Lesson #13

Welcome back to class! And Happy New Year! 

We worked on the new list #13. We classified the words in a chart as verbs, for the basic word, and nouns, for words with suffixes -ation and -ion. We worked on the book, pages 90 to 95. 

Make sure you have also completed the extra practice we did the last days of December and first of January: pages 235 to 240. 

Homework: due Wednesday 14th.
Make a brochure on a piece of paper about any interesting thing to do in your town or country. Add 10 words of the new vocabulary in your writing. Then paste the brochure on your notebooks to present homework. You can use colors, markers, paints or you can print images if you desire.