sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015

Social Studies: South and Central America Empires

Prepare a presentation in groups, about the American Culture topic you've being assigned. 

Focus on the following outline: 
-Location in a map. Describe the geography of the location.
-Explain how did they live. 
-Briefly explain their religious and cultural beliefs. 
-mention and explain their advances in agriculture and construction.

Homework: due Wednesday 4th. 
Prepare the supporting material for your presentation. You can work on a poster or a cardboard, design a model or bring any material that illustrates your presentation topic. This is an individual assignment, any student must bring a visual aid prepared by himself or herself. Be creative!!

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

Spelling Lesson #19

We checked the new list of words with suffixes -ent, -ant, -ence, -ance, -ancy. 
We wrote a key word to each couple and we worked on the book, pages 126-131. 

Homework: due Wednesday 25th
Write an interview between a reporter and a celebrity. Use 15 words of the new list. You can draw to illustrate. 

Science: Why Does It Rain And Snow?

We reviewed the Water Cycle and we copied the vocabulary related to it: 

-water cycle
-relative humidity
-dew point

We also copied the four kinds pf clouds: 
-Cumulus Clouds
-Cirrus Clouds
-Nimbus Clouds 
-Stratus Clouds 

Homework: due Tuesday 24th (6B) Wednesday 25th (6A - 6C) 

Bring the materials to start trying the experiments. Get ready to explain your work. 

Social Studies: The Land of The Rising Sun

We read the lesson about the culture of Japan, and we developed a Mural where we summarized all the information about this civilization. 

Outline Followed: 
-Martial Arts 

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

Math: Understanding Fractions

We reviewed the fractions and all vocabulary related to this topic. We worked on the book on page 189 exercises 1 to16. 

Homework: due Wednesday 18th. 
Page 189 problems 17 to 20. 

Spelling Lesson #17

We copied the new list and a key word to each one. We worked in the book on the exercises on pages 114 to 117. 

Homework: due Wednesday 11th. 
Do Lesson #18 Review. Pages 120 to 123. Sudy for Spelling Bee on Friday 20th. 

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

Science: Air Pressure and Wind

Draw, color and explain: 
- The four types of breeze. 
- The four types of wind. 

Social Studies: The World of Islam

We read and discussed The World of Islam. We answered te following questions: 

1) Describe the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century. 
2) Why did Mecca and Medina become important cities in Arabia? 
3) Who was Muhammad and what is his story? 
4) Name and describe the 5 pillars of the Islam. 
5) Copy the vocabulary: 
- bedouin 
- oasis
- kaaba 
- hijrah 
- caliph 
- Qur'an

Homework: due Wednesday 11th. 
Identify in the map on the book page 223 the area conquered by the Arabs of the Muslim World. Draw a map showing the nations that occupy that area nowadays. You can print the shape of the map with the countries' borders. Write the names of the nations yourself and then color it. 

Spelling: Lesson #16

Write a key word to each new word. Do lesson #16 on the book. 

Homework: due Wednesday 4th
Write an announcement of an event you would like to attend or throw. Use 10 words from the new list.