martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Spelling List #27

Work with a partner and find the definitions of the new terms given in the list #27. Copy the list in your notebook and assign a key word to each. 
Do the book activities on pages 174 to 179. 

Homework: due Wednesday 29th. 
Write 10 sentences (combinig two of the new words in each) related to the story of the gigantic pumpkin read in class. 

Math: Equation Practice

Practiced problem solving and equations. We worked on the book activities: 

Page 367- problems 46 and 48

Page 371- problem 40. 
Page 371- more to explore, exercises 1 to 8. 

Homework: due Wednesday 6th. 
Do the following activities: 
Page 431- check for understanding- exercises 1 to 11. 

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Social Studies: The Age of Imperialism

We discussed about the Imperialism of the XIXTh century and its cosequences. We elaborated a mind map with information about four basic topics of this subject: 

-industrial revolution 
-human rights

Homework: due Wednesday 22nd. 
Investigate about your presentation topic, print this info, copy it in your notebook or save it in a file that can be used in class if you are allowed to bring a laptop. All presentations demand powerpoint, Which will be developed in class on the 22nd, or done at home individually if necessary. Make sure you understand the information of your presentation in class, this way you will be able to distribute the work that will be done individually at home.  
Be creative! You can come up with many ideas, your speech can be formal, or it can also be a role play. You can plan any activity you consider interesting, or bring any supportive material you want. Creativity always improves the evaluation. 

Spelling List #26

Copy the new list of words, their part of speech and a key word to remember each meaning. Do the activities on the book, pages 168 to 173. 

Homework: due Wednesday 22nd. 
Write an e-mail like letter to a friend making plans for the weekend. Use 15 words from the new list. 

domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

Science Fair Rehearsal

Thursday 23rd, we will do the first formal rehearsal for the Science Fair. Get ready for this day and make sure your work is done: 
- Have your display and supportive material for presenting ready. 
- Memorize the information of your presentation.
- Have all the materials required to perform your experiment. 

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Spelling Lesson #25

We copied the new words in the notebook (prefixes pre-, per-, and pro-). We copied key words as references to each term. We worked on the book activities pages 162 to 167. 

Homework: due Wednesday 15th. 
Elaborate an advertisemente flier, use 15 words of the new vocabulary and illustrate your work with drawings. 

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Math: Solve Equations

We checked problems and worked on building Equations. We practiced solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Equations. 
Page 366 exercises 1 to 10.
Page 370 exercises 1 to 10. 

Page 366 exercises 21 to 27. 
Page 370 exercises 17 to 24.