lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

Math Review Homework

Homework: due Wednesday April 8th. 
Do the following review homework in page 600 Multiply by Fractions exercises 1 to 10, and page 602 Divide with Fractions exercises 1 to 10. 

Spelling Lesson #23

We checked the new vocabulary and we worked on the book activities, pages 150 to 155. 

Homework: due Wednesday 25th. 
Copy the new list #23 in your notebooks. Do the lesson #24 Review in the book, pages 156 to 159. 
Study the lists 19 to 23 for Spelling Bee on Monday, April 6th. 

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

Social Studies: The Modern Europe

We read the lesson on the book and summarize the most important information about the modern ages. 

Critical Thinking Questions: 
1- Why was there a population crisis in the  modern ages? 
2- Which events marked the beginnings of the modern age? 
3- How did religious beliefs changed during the modern ages? 
4- List the most important characters of the Renaissance and the work they did. 

Homework: due Wednesday 25th. 
Read The Fall of Great Empires on the purple book, pages 364 to 365. Make a 20-25 summary in your notebook about the fall of the Aztec Empire. You can also check the net for info or check the blue book for references. 
Illustrate your work with a drawing. 

Spelling Lesson #22

We copied the list of plural words and the singular form of each to review forming plurals. 
We worked on the book activities on pages 144 to 149. 

Homework: due Wednesday 18th. 
Write 15 sentences combinig two of the new words in each. 

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Spelling Lesson # 21

Copy the new vocabulary (30 words) their parts of speech and a key word to remember each. 
Do the book activities on pages 138 to 143. 

Homework: due Wednesday 11th. 
Write a school announcement or bulleting  of any activity you would like to participate in. Use 15 of the new words. You can illustrate your HW. 

Science: Weather Prediction

Read the lesson, identify andcopy the   new vocabulary in bold letters. 
Copy the four types of front and draw them: 
-warm front
-cold front
-occluded front
-stationary front

This week students work on a final project about the Weather: Weather Forecast. 
In groups you will develop a presentation containing all we have learned about the weather and climate. It can be a role play or a formal presentation. Be creative and use as much information as possible. 

Classwork: due Tuesday 16th or Thursday 19th (your presentation day)
Prepare the supporting material for your final presentation about the weather. Every  student must work individually on his or her contribution for the group presentation. 
Prepare as well the information and material for the Science Fair Display (information, illustration and decoration). 

martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Math: Adding and Subtracting Fractions


Copy and review the steps to add and subtract like and unlike fractions. 

Practice on the book activities: 
Page 223 exercises 13 to 24
Page 225 exercises 1 to 15. Problem 20. 

Homework: Due Wednesday 11th 
Practice addition and subtraction fraction. Study for the quiz on Thursday 12th. 

Page 223 problema 27 and 28
Page 225 exercises 16 to 19

Page 223

Page 225

Math: Simplest Form


Review how to write fractions in simplest form. Review the steps and practice. Page 194-195 exercises on the book. 

Spelling Lesson #20

Review the new-words list #20 write a synonyn to each one. Work on the book activities pages 132 to 137. 

Honework: Due Wednesday 4th. 
Write a list of rules about how people should behave in certain place. Use 15 words from the new list. You can illustrate your writing activity.