lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Science: Weather Prediction

Read the lesson, identify andcopy the   new vocabulary in bold letters. 
Copy the four types of front and draw them: 
-warm front
-cold front
-occluded front
-stationary front

This week students work on a final project about the Weather: Weather Forecast. 
In groups you will develop a presentation containing all we have learned about the weather and climate. It can be a role play or a formal presentation. Be creative and use as much information as possible. 

Classwork: due Tuesday 16th or Thursday 19th (your presentation day)
Prepare the supporting material for your final presentation about the weather. Every  student must work individually on his or her contribution for the group presentation. 
Prepare as well the information and material for the Science Fair Display (information, illustration and decoration). 

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